Now that I've done my part, I think I'll be even more upset than usual if he doesn't win. Normally, I get annoyed when my choice gets the boot, but I never do anything about it. I finally have. It was just a shame David Archuletta wowed the judges so well last night. I thought Cook was smoking...but Archuletta got the better reaction. That quite often tends to determine the winner.
Archuletta bugs me to no end. So Spencer decided to call in and vote for him last night...since I was so set on voting for Cook. Stinker. Thankfully, he only voted one time.
Since I played a part in determining the winner, I'm looking forward to the results show more than ever. The only thing we can say for sure at this point is that David will definitely win tonight.
****As a side note, my voting paid off. Cook won by 12 million votes. He had 56% of the votes. Not too shabby. IT was a humorous source of contention for Spencer and I. We can't ever seem to agree on music.
I've never voted... maybe one day I will. My mom and Rachelle voted for at least 30 minutes last night. They are crazy.
I was all set for David Cook but I didn't think he did so well last night and Archuletta (sp?) really took the show. I'm watching it right now and anxiously awaiting the final decision.
Paul and I voted oppposite of course. We watched last night and had fun teasing each other about our choice for winner.
Paul did say no one could ever beat Kelly Clarkson the original Idol. We actually own that season on DVD because Paul loves her.
I was SO wondering if you were going to call-I had a feeling you would since it was on your list!!
I'll have to admit I have never watched American Idol before this year. I only started watching because I know David Archuletta's dad. (He is a very nice man.) He dated my sister for three years when they were in college. In fact he proposed to my sister. Anyway I felt this connection to his son, so I have watched faithfully and voted for the last three months.
I was so HAPPY when David Cook won! I really didnt think he would win after what the judges were saying the night before the final votes... but I LOVE David Cooks voice! And I never vote either.
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