Wednesday, May 28, 2008

# 25

We got out of the house everyday last week. It was a nice change of scenery for me. I spend way too much time within the walls of our house. I don't get out as much since Gray has been around. Packing up three small kids in a car (then out, then in, then out again) is too much hassle. It was fun to make myself get out and do things, but it was an exhausting week. Chores piled up at home. It made me realize I should do it more often though. Not every day out of the week, but I CAN in fact handle three kids in public and we do have fun. Truthfully, there were far less tantrums at the playground, pool, and library than there would have been at home.

Last week we made it to see Horton Hears a Who, to the park, the pool, the library, Denny's, Sam's Club, church, the mall playground, and the tennis courts. I tried to remember my camera everywhere, but I didn't. I took pictures on my cell, but I'm lame and don't know how to download them to my computer. So here's (most of) our week in pictures...




Mall Playground



jeanine said...

FUN! Looks like you have a good library there! And I love that you guys played tennis. I should take my boys to do that!

Erin said...

Yeah Katie, good job! Very fun ways to get out of the house. Love the little Andre Agassi's you got!

Lauri said...

I wouldn't have thought of taking them to the tennis courts...and remembering to bring the bike. Looks like a fun week.

I'm with you on the airplane thing. Amanda made a good point though; it's the PROCESS!

You're really cranking out your list. You may be finished before your 1001 days are up.

Jenn said...

Looks like a fun and busy week! Good job on getting out of the house everyday with 3 kids...I can imagine it being exhausting.

Amanda B. said...

very cool! It is always a bit of a challenge getting out with all my kids, but it is almost always worth it and I need to do it more too. Good for you! :)

sharon kaye said...

Rachelle has convinced Jacob that playing tennis means that he gets to run and get the balls that she misses. Basically he just runs around the court picking up stray balls--and he loves it! It's nice that your boys get to actually hold a tennis racket! I'll have to show Rachelle the photos and see if she gets the idea.

Kelly said...

Tonight I realized why I only have 3 kids...
Alex had his first game, and Dana was coaching, so I had the girls- no big deal, that happens all the time...
BUT, when I got there, the other 2 coaches had their 1 and 2 year old's and no wives....SO, they asked me to watch them ALL...
Of course I said I would, so I tried, and it was a disaster...
Leah got her arm stuck in a drain crate (don't ask how, because I wasn't watching, HELLO, I was watching 3 babies!!) Celeste and James, both 2 started walking across a field of 12 year old boys playing, I had to carry the 10 month old on my hip to drag them off, and when I do, James startes screaming and dragging his feet. Does anyone offer to help me?! NO!! THey look at me, like, "you crazy lady, you chose to have all those kids!" I wanted to shout,
"I ONLY HAVE THESE 2!!!!!" It was a horrible 2 hours- because I just wanted to watch my own, and that is usually crazy enough!!!
Kudos for you for getting them all out and taking such great pics- you are my hero!

Genn said...

Wow, look at you knock things off your list! What a fun, yet I am sure busy and exhausting week! I get sick of the whole in the car, out of the car, and back in thing and I just have one! Looks like they really enjoyed their outings!

your yw leaders said...

We haven't heard any updates on your list lately... how's it going?

jeanine said...

whoops... that last comment was from me!